Thursday, October 6, 2011

If They Could All Be Aunt Lizzies...

Psychiatry and psychology are "soft" sciences. There is no accurate way to measure conditions or keep controls. Actually, I think that every case of mental illness might be as unique as the people who have challenges with mental health (shall we say.)

The Professionals in the Mental Health Business don't know much because much is unknown about the brain. Adventurers and Discoverers of New Lands! Despair Not! There is still the depths of the Ocean, the heights of Outer Space and Beyond,  and our very own Brains to explore.  

There are good counselors and good psychiatrists, but not everyone is what we call an Aunt Lizzie, someone who is like my clinical psychologist sister Elizabeth up in Northern Virginia
I found help at my family doctor more than with anyone else, except for support of the Aunt Lizzie's' Aunt Anne's and Aunt Mary's', the many Bill's', the Sam's', the Miss Doris's', Kind Strangers, and now the mysterious BHU  who have all given wise counsel, information towards cure, and ways to think of things differently than the reality I have accepted.
I see how important it is to connect with people because our problems are often the same as with Others, and Others can offer the very wisdom you need to proceed forth . 

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