Saturday, October 15, 2011

What SIde to Fall

Walking on my tightropes, I wobble, and sometimes fall. There is no net. The trick is to wobble and fall on the "better side."
Our children do better if we fall on the side of (slight) neglect rather than excess.
Small children want your love and attention more than they "want" a new car or a fancy house. Older children care but don't get it twisted. A baby, a child, doesn't know the difference between owning and renting a house.

Fall on the side of compassion over "justice," I say. Justice is subject to human judgment, and people in the justice system have agendas, and care more about power, prestige, and money than human well-fare. Can you imagine fining a homeless woman for being in an abandoned building? Fines and court costs to the hapless bum who is caught drinking a malt beverage in public? Oh please. Doesn't it seem strange that everyone caught in the "Justice" system here is poor, and black or toothless white people? Does it not seem strange, day after day, the courtrooms are filled with the same people. No suits. No ties. Plenty of smack down.
Seasoned jail house lawyers abound, knowing as much about law as any attorney, but they are caught on the wrong side. Hide from "Justice" children.  Run! Hide! Once you enter the circle of misery, you'll never get out.

Teeter totter as you will, but don't fall in "Justice!"

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